Sunday, June 27, 2010

Escape from New York City - Castle on the Hudson

The Blog starts with escaping from the hustle and bustle of New York City.

Hop on a train heading to the upper reaches of the Hudson River.

One the way, the river is always along with us,

which is like that the river has been along with history.

After thirty minutes north of Manhattan, we arrive in Tarrytown.

Walk along the path through the woods as well as history.

The castle towers on the top of the mountain,
and stands time and tide.

The story of the castle begins shortly before the turn of the 20th century,
when General Howard Carroll purchased the land as home for his growing family.
Carrollcliffe, the name appropriately given to Caroll's castle on the cliff,
was built in two stages between 1897 and 1910,
and was designed by a prominent New York architect Henry Kilburn.

The castle served as the family dining room during peace time, and as a sighting and listening post for use by the Tarrytown Civil Defense to monitor air traffic in the area during World War II.
Surprisingly, after the war, it was turned into the headquarter of an investment counseling firm.
Nowadays, the castle has become a hotel entertaining people.
People sometimes also entertain it.

By the decoration of the castle, we feel majestic.

Playing the chess is like living a life.

The leisure in the castle is to plant and swim.

To dine at the castle's restaurant, people need to be dressed up.
With respect to the food, it is to be continued.

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